The Happy Family Test (Kids Version)

Take the Test

Answer these 10 questions to find out your Happy Family Score. This test is for children (there is a different test for grown-ups). Read each question and give it a score from 0 – 10, 0 meaning that you don’t do this at all or it’s as bad as it could be, and 10 meaning that you do this all the time or it’s as good as it could get.

1) My parents know what to do when I'm angry or upset.
2) My parents really listen to what I have to say.
3) I get time on my own with my mum or dad every week.
4) My parents treat me as an individual.
5) My parents really understand how I am feeling.
6) My parents always behave the way they say I should behave.
7) My parents know how to be calm and relaxed.
8) My parents understand the things that stress me out.
9) Our family has clear rules and consequences if I do something wrong.
10) My parents take action when I say I need help.